Ways to Donate
Donate using a credit card or bank account directly through PayPal.
Please add a comment to your donation or email Richard Cassel at rwcassel@gmail.com if you would like it to be used for a specific project. Any donation without a clear project noted will be added to our General Fund for discretionary spending by our Alumni Association Board.
Tax Exempt Donations For Chapter Education
Tax deductible contributions may be made for the chapter to use specifically for educational purposes. Qualifying expenses include leadership and development programming, office supplies, resources, and anything else that enriches learning in members. These contributions must be made through myThetaXi. Follow the link below, sign-in, and follow prompts for Support Theta Xi. Be sure to list “Kappa Sigma Chapter Education Account” in the comments section of the donations form.
For questions, please contact Ben Fick at 734-678-4723 or benkfick@gmail.com.
Promisary giving
It is also possible for Brothers and friends to provide for our future by including a bequest in their Will or establishing some other form of planned gift to benefit future generations of young men. In order to be recognized for Franklin Guild membership, just let the Foundation know that you have provided for a bequest or other planned gift to Theta Xi Foundation in your estate plan. Or, contact us to set up a gift annuity or another form of life income gift. In either case, there is no minimum gift amount.
Bequests can be in the form of:
• cash
• owned securities (stocks, bonds or other investments)
• real-estate or personal property (works of art, equipment, etc.)
• naming the Foundation as the primary beneficiary of a life insurance policy
• part of a life income trust agreement
• the residual of your estate
It is , however, suggested that you consult your attorney or tax counsel to help make the best decisions regarding your own estate and your wishes.